WakeHereward Project
Forgotten hero..
Freedom fighter..
WakeHereward Project presents An Afternoon Remembering Hereward at Thorney Abbey on Sunday 8th September 2pm to 4pm as part of Thorney Festival '24.
The afternoon will feature a talk by Hereward Historian David Maile, an acting monologue and more by Rory Gibson as Hereward and a display and talk on the Bayeux Tapestry replica being embroidered by Seamstress Mia Hanson.
The event is a charity fundraising event arranged by the Thorney Festival Committee for Alzheimer's Society.
The event is divided into two sessions of one hour each. Entry for each session is FREE but a donation towards Alzheimer's Society is requested on the door on the day.
GET TICKETS and further details by clicking on the advertising flyer.
Hiking the Pubs along the Hereward Way !
Top Hiker Ste Lingard will be commemorating the Hereward Rising of 2nd June 1070 when he hikes along the Hereward Way National Path from Peterborough to Cathedral to Ely Cathedral on Sunday 2nd June.
Ste will be setting a record time to cover the 40 miles between the two cathedrals, and will be making his stops at selected Public Houses along the route, where he will be met by Hereward the Wake himself, performed by re-enactor Rory G.
You can see them along the Hereward Way and at the Pubs at the times stated on the flyer.
Ste begins the mammoth task of hiking the 40 miles at Peterborough Cathedral at 5am, to coincide with the time of day 954 years that Hereward ransacked Peterborough Monastery.
For More information click on the link.
Hereward made a special appearance at The Big History Hunt in Bourne, Linc's on Saturday 13th April supporting the Bourne2Shine fundraising event organised with Bourne History Group. Bourne2Shine are a support group for Parent Carers of children with Special Educational Needs and all proceeds to the event went to the charity.
Hereward performed by Rory G followed the History trail around the town and met locals taking part in the hunt as well as regaling tales and posing for photo's with some of the children who in attendance.
All things decline
Everything falters, dies and ends
Towers cave in, walls collapse
Roses wither, horses stumble
Cloth grows old, men expire
Iron rusts and timber rots away
Nothing made by hand will last
I understand the truth
That all must die, both clerk and lay
And the fame of men now dead
will quickly be forgotten
Unless the clerk takes up his pen
And brings their deeds to life again...'
Wace - 'Roman du Rou' ca: 1170
Hereward will be appearing at the Northstowe Mid-Summer Festival on Saturday 22nd June. More details to follow soon.
Welcome to the WakeHereward Project the official organisation and website for the legendary Anglo-Saxon warrior Hereward the Wake,
the folk-hero of the Fenlands of Eastern England.
Read about the project and its activities by clicking on the link below.
Take the Hereward Trail across Hereward Country in search of Hereward! Full details soon, find out more by subscribing to our newsletter (below) or click on the Hereward image (left) for some details or the Crowland Abbey image (right) for the latest news on the WakeHereward Project developments. Soon you will be able to access maps and routes and location information for your trip to the Fens for you to take the Hereward Trail across Hereward Country in search of Hereward, Subscribe now!
Visit Crowland Abbey on the Hereward Trail across Hereward Country in search of Hereward! Click on the image for details.
1066 & all that...
In the aftermath of the Battle of Hastings a series of rebellions broke out across a defeated and demoralised Anglo Saxon state that lay prostrate under the oppressive grip of William 'the Conqueror' and his barbaric Norman knights.
Uprisings in Kent, Chester, Durham and York, led by various disaffected English nobles, were savagely and mercilessly beaten down and quashed, with thouands upon thousands slaughtered or left to perish in the devastation and ethnic cleansing that came to be known as the
'Harrying of the North'.
In the Fenlands to the East one of history's mysterious shadowy-figures by name of Hereward 'the Outlaw' rose to the fore and, armed with a multitude of dissidents, peasants and refugees, stopped the most formidable fighting force of the time dead in its tracks, inflicting humiliating damage to their number.
After a resistance of what appears to have been at least eighteen months, the fortified monastery on the Island of Ely in the southern Fenlands eventually capitulated, through treachery, and Hereward is reported to have fled, disappearing into the mists of the wild fen and on into legend...
Image: Hereward fighting on Aldreth Causeway by A.A.Dixon
Pause to remember Hereward, Folk hero of the Fens and his brave army of adherents who stood valiantly against insurmountable odds in defence of their own land, their own institutions and their own folk on the Isle of Ely against William the Conqueror. When Ely fell England fell.
We will remember them.
27th October 1071 - 27th October 2024
'his actions at Aldreth passed into legend'
'To raise the profile of Hereward the Wake across his native Fenlands and beyond'
Things got a little bit feisty on Saturday 12th August in the village of Cottenham deep in the Cambridgeshire Fens when non other than local Folk Hero HEREWARD THE WAKE showed up at the OPEN FOR NATURE DAY taking place on Cottenham Village Green.
It was rumoured a few days earlier that Hereward and some of his Band had been spotted in the Cottenham area and as the Sun reached its midday zenith as if out of nowhere Hereward appeared and began to address the locals.
You can hear some of what he had to say in the video clip above, captured by Gill of HIstory Needs You shortly before the scheduled talk on Hereward by David Maile.
In the video Hereward can clearly be heard complaining about the condition of the King's Highway at Cottenham and all of the Potholes in the village and as far as Hereward is concerned only one man is to blame for the state of the King's Highway and that is the King himself.
The Wake proceeded to 'Call Out' The Conqueror and can clearly be heard making the announcement and proclaiming that if the Conqueror didnt fill in the potholes then Hereward would be the one doing the 'filling-in'.
Clearly this is a story that has yet to reach its tipping point, watch this space for future developments...
Young Year 7 & 8 scholars from King's Ely Prep were taken aback in their school assembly this morning when a loud roar went up at the back, someone was heard shouting 'make way for Hereward the Wake!' and as the children turned to see the commotion going on in walked our very own folk hero of the Fens, to the wonderment of the 200 or so young students present.
Never one to mince his words or being shy at coming forward, Hereward was immediately recruiting sturdy warriors for his renegade Band to tackle the impending assault upon Ely by William the Conqueror. After carefully selecting his warriors, Hereward began to regale tales of his exploits from his exile at 18 through to his return to Ely after becoming 'a famous knight among the more famous'.
Re-enactor Rory Gibson was received with rapturous applause by school children and school staff alike in his representation of the folk hero of the Fens as part of the King's Ely / WakeHereward Project history unit delivered by teacher Amy Beck over the past two weeks.
Where Hereward was unknown in just a few days into the new year a whole host of Herewardistas now hold him close to their hearts as a historical figure who walked the halls of the very same King's School over 950 years ago. For all the cheers and handclaps for Hereward there was the same measure of boos and jeers when William the Conqueror's name was mentioned.
So now who's the bad guy?
He'll be back!
(click on the image above to see more photo's)
'We think it will encourage noble deeds and induce liberality to know Hereward, who he was and to hear of his achievements and deeds. Especially those of you desirous of living the life of a soldier, wherefore we advise, pay attention! And you who the more diligently strive to hear the deeds of brave men, apply your minds to hear diligently the account of so great a man...'
De Gestis Herwardi Saxonis ~ early 12th C text.