WakeHereward Project
Forgotten hero..
Freedom fighter..
'On the Conqueror's Trail' Documentary 'In Production'
'His actions at Aldreth passed into legend'
Hereward Documentary in Production.
With the working title 'On the Conqueror's Trail' we are filming a documentary about the Folk Hero of the Fens, Hereward the Wake with David Maile as Presenter, Ed Chambers as Director of Photography and cameo appearances by Hereward himself (performed by Rory Gibson) and others.
The documentary is based upon Hereward's last stand against William the Conqueror and the Fall of Ely on 27th October 1071 when the last English resistance against the Norman Conquest was finally quashed. Film locations include Cambridge Castle Mound, Aldreth Causeway and Ely Cathedral and will include interviews with other Historians.
You can show your support and keep updated on the progress of the documentary by subscribing to our mailing list at the bottom of this page and be among the first to be offered tickets to the premiere and other insights on the production and progress of the documentary