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Hereward's Last Stand!


Hereward's Last Stand!

12pm - Act 1: The Camp of Refuge


1pm - Act 2: Hereward Returns


2pm - Act 3: The Conqueror's Trail


3pm - Act 4: Hereward's Last Stand! -

the Battle for Aldreth


4pm - Act 5: Burn the Witch!

Nigel Amos as Abbot Turold 4_edited_edited.jpg

After his amazing debut performance at Folkingham Rory G performs the role of Hereward again in 'Hereward's Last Stand!' in the small village of Aldreth near Ely on Saturday 30th October. 11am to 5pm. Free Entry!

Postcode: CB6 3PQ

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After her outstanding performance at Folkingham Castle as Lady Godiva, Heather Bailey will appear alongside Hereward as his wife, Torfrida of St. Omer

Fresh from being the lead horseman at the Battle of Hastings re-enactment and after his brilliant performance as Abbot Turold at the Hereward Rising! event,

Nigel Amos will perform the role of

William the Conqueror

It was here at Aldreth on 27th October 1071 that Hereward's forces fell and the heavy armour of William the Conqueror's knights could gain access onto the Isle of Ely.

The last pocket of English resistance to the Norman Conquest capitulated through treachery and Hereward is reported to have fled, disappearing into the mists of the wild fen and on into legend.


Welcome to the 'Aldreth 950' festival in commemoration of Hereward!


his actions at Aldreth passed into legend...

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